Big Pigs and Crazy Corgis Paradise


What's Your Animal?

Find out what farm animal you are most like.

1. Your friend calls you in the middle of the night with a problem. You...
       1) Tell him/her what YOU would do in that situation.
       2) Tell him/her that since you don't know each other very well, they should ask someone else who knows them                             better.
       3) Give a very detailed explanation of what they should do and how they should do it.
       4) Tell them you have no idea and go back to sleep.

2. The county fair is this weekend! The contest you are most likely to enter is...
       1) The obstacle course! You win every year, why break that streak now?
       2) Pie smashing contest! You just take your time and smash it with your mouth. Who needs the prize? You've got the             pies!
       3) The buried treasure contest! You already have all the coordinates from last year calculated, and you don't mind a             little dirt.
       4) Whatever everyone else is doing OR whatever is the easiest.

3. You forgot your homework! What's your excuse?
       1) You're a prince/princess from Quitonia (a made-up country) who had to go save your people, so you didn't get                 time.
       2) I didn't do it.
       3) You don't have an excuse! You did your homework the minute it was due behind the teacher's back, and she never         noticed!
       4) My dog ate it.

4. In your free time, you...
       1) Challenge friends to a race.
       2) Take a walk/Eat.
       3) Read/ Play outside and get muddy/ Surf the net
       4) Sleep/ Play video games/ Do whatever you feel like doing.

5. Your favorite subject in school is...
       1) P.E.
       2) Foreign Language
       3) Math/ Science/ Language Arts
       4) Lunch

Now, to get the results, click here.