Big Pigs and Crazy Corgis Paradise


Pig Section

This part of the site, in case you haven't already noticed, is for people who love pigs. Of course, I am like the biggest piggy fan anywhere of anyone!!!
    As everyone knows, pigs have this horrible stereotype: that they are dirty, smelly creatures who are dumb and have no sense of what's going on. Well, I can't stand it. I'll have you know that pigs are actually the cleanest farm animals there are. The only reason they roll in mud is to keep cool and use it as a sunscreen.  Plus, pigs are scientifically proven to be smarter than dogs, so don't go teasing pigs about being stupid. They will eat literally anything, including clothing, so don't make them mad.
    Just to prove to you how much I love pigs, I'll ave you know that I don't eat pork! I even have a page on anti-porkatarianism! Just click on the link below.

Piggy Game

You see, pigs are soooooooooo much smarter than dogs. If they weren't, then why isn't a dog saving the sheriff? Yup. Pigs are very misunderstood. I don't see why they even are catagorized in farm animals along with sheep and chickens (no offense to the chickens...).

*Note: This game takes a reeeeeeeally long time to load, but it's worth it, just so you know. If it doesn't load, click here.


This is one of my favorite pictures. Do you know why? Because it's a piggy!!!!! Any pictures of piggies or corgis are my favorites. I know, I'm obsessed...


OMG!!! I made this! BY MYSELF!!! I'm so proud... *sniff*!

Pig Video

This is a disgrace! Pigs are NOT animated, meat-headed things with a string of snot coming out of their nose!!! I mean, I have nothing against snot. Everybody has it in their nose, but whoever made this movie makes it look like a bad thing! It's NOT!!! It just makes pigs look bad!

Dreaming of... slop.

Awwww!!! These piggies are sleeping... and dreaming about, ah, um, slop.