Big Pigs and Crazy Corgis Paradise



Just in case you're wondering, a corgi is a type of dog with very short legs and somewhat thick, bulky bodies. Plus, they are so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so sooooooooo cute!!!

2 Types

This is a corgi. There are 2 types of corgi: Cardigan welsh corgis and Pembroke welsh corgis.

The Difference

This is the difference between the two types. The Pembroke corgis have much shorter tails and wider bodies, but I like them better.

Corgi Mirror

I made this. Okay, so it isn't all that great, but not bad for doing it all with the pencil on Microsoft paint. I mean, you gotta admit it, it isn't horrible...