Big Pigs and Crazy Corgis Paradise


Are You Pig Enough?

Test how high your piggy love-level is.

1. Do you think pigs smell?
       A) Nope.
       B)  Yup.
       C) I don't know, I've never exactly been around a pig.

2. Would you rather buy a synthetic football or a real pigskin one?
       A) Synthetic. I feel bad for the pigs.
       B) Pigskin. They work better and are easier to grip.
       C) I couldn't care less.

3. Do you eat pork?
       A) No. I won't even eat bacon, I'm an anti-porkatarian and/or vegetarian.
       B) Yes. Pigs taste good.
       C) I'm not sure. I don't pay any attention to what I eat. I just eat what's on my plate.

4. If it was a matter of life-or-death (or humiliation?), would you kiss a pig?
       A) Of course! I don't care if it has anything to do with life or death, I'd kiss one anyway.
       B) No! Get that pig away from me! Why can't I just, like, kiss a rock or something?
       C) If it depended on life-or-death, yes. If not, no. I don't want to kiss one, but I'm too young to die.

5. If I payed you $1,000, would you work in a slaugterhouse that does pigs?
       A) No! Not in a million years!
       B) Oh, yeah! Anything for money!
       C) I don't know. Maybe if you gave me $1,000,000. Hey, wait, would you pay me $1,000,000?

6. Would you want a pig for a pet?
       A) Yes! Yes! Yes! YES!!! Gimme! Gimme!
       B) Heck, NO!!!
       C) If you were the one who took care of it.

Now, to get the results, click here.